What every woman ought to know about calcium.

I’m sure you are aware that calcium is vital to bone health, but just because you’re eating yogurt and/or taking calcium supplements, it doesn’t mean that the calcium is making it to your bones. In fact, if you’re taking calcium with certain foods, you may be hindering your body’s ability to absorb it altogether.

And get this, of the calcium you are absorbing, you may be losing a large percentage of it as waste due to poor calcium balance. Calcium balance is a term used to describe the difference between how much calcium you take in and how much you excrete as waste. If you’re excreting a large portion of the 1200mg of calcium you’re taking every day you may very well still be at risk of developing osteoporosis.

One of the main factors that determine calcium loss is another type of balance, the acid-base balance, and this is determined by what types of foods you eat. You would think that a diet incorporating a lot of milk, cheese and yogurts would promote a positive calcium balance. But actually, dairy products produce a high acid load in your body which in turn results in more calcium being excreted as waste rather than being absorbed. Do you follow me so far?

However, there is a solution; a diet incorporating alkaline (basic) foods will result in a more basic load and higher calcium retention. In a report in the New England Journal of Medicine, it was shown that diets rich in fruits and vegetables significantly reduced urinary calcium loss in 459 men and women.

Did you get that?

Fruits and vegetables are alkaline foods that promote a healthy acid-base balance and a positive calcium balance that will promote bone health and reduce your chances of becoming the ONE out of every two women that will develop osteoporosis. The bottom line: Eat your fruits and veggies.

So now, you’re eating a diet that adheres to one of my principles and is rich in fruits and vegetables, resistance training three days a week, and taking a calcium supplement. You’re well armed in your fight against osteoporosis, right? Wrong!

There is one more important point! You may be taking calcium sources or supplements with foods that will actually hinder your body’s ability to absorb this vital mineral. Check out a few of the offenders in the list below to see what foods you should avoid when taking your calcium.

Sodium — increased sodium intake results in more of your calcium being excreted as waste instead of being absorbed and used for bone building.

Phytic acid — This is found in the bran of whole grains, it interferes with calcium absorption by binding to a variety minerals, including calcium. The result is the formation of insoluble salts called phytates which are removed as waste. Legumes, such as pinto beans, navy beans and peas are also high in phytates. While all of these foods are part of a “healthy” diet, just be aware that you’re not consuming your calcium when consuming these types of foods.

Caffeine — Reduces inositol levels in the blood. Inositol is a regulating factor in calcium metabolism. It inhibits the formation of the cells (osteoclasts) that draw calcium from the bones into the bloodstream

What does all this mean for you and your bone health? Simply put, it means you need to…

  1. Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, while minimizing bran consumption
  2. Minimize your salt intake
  3. Avoid excessive amounts of caffeine, especially when taking your calcium supplement.

And you’ll be on your way to improving not only your bones but also your body and your life!

What is your next step?


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